6 Results found for "en/queer liberation_wiktionary_en/de".


duck queer fish queer in the head queerish queer ken queer liberation queerly queerness queer parade queerplatonic queer studies queer theory queer up there's...


Movement: Historical Record, 1830s to Mid-1940s‎[1], page 236: The national liberation movement had not yet developed to a sufficiently mass scale. 1989, Creighton...


devastating Earth and that could only offer further oppression in space, not liberation. (slang) A cigarette, particularly one containing tobacco instead of marijuana...


emergence of uniquely African-American queer discourses is the refusal of African-American movements for liberation to address adequately issues of sexual...


French and English vice). 2007, Kevin P. Murphy, Jason Ruiz, David Serlin, Queer Futures, Radical History Review (Duke University Press), page 58: The two...


Historical Dictionary of the Lesbian and Gay Liberation Movements (2013), p. 97 ^ Yetta Howard, Ugly Differences: Queer Female Sexuality in the Underground (2018)...